Proposed IoAARC AGM 2021 on Friday 30th April 2021

2 minute read

Proposal for the Isle of Avalon Amateur Radio Club AGM, to be held on 30th April 2021. This is where we look at what we have achieved last year and what we aim to do this year. The coronavirus pandemic has made this an eventful and perhaps in other ways uneventful year at the same time. We will be holding this outside and the weather looks good, so I propose setting aside the formal protocol and calling this for four days time to take advantage of that. However, if any current member of IoAARC feels strongly that this is not suitable, or if the date is not acceptable for most, then please let me (G7LEE) know and we will reschedule. Similarly, should we start earlier or is 7pm to 8pm local time good? I propose a Friday as that has been good for people in the past, so initially Friday the 23rd, but next week Friday 30th is also a possibility?

Site 2 is in easy walking distance of our previous venue, but if you don’t know where it is contact Matt 2E0FNT - there is enough parking on site.

Please let me know if you plan to attend in person, since we are limited to 6 people in all in an open air venue. Hopefully our Treasurer can arrange a Zoom meeting, and we will monitor 145.475MHz

Message from our Chairman Matt follows:

Hi all,
as covid restrictions are now more relaxed this would be a perfect time to call a meeting and arrange an AGM. As chairman I over ran my year service but this is due to pandemic. My proposal is we can do this outside at the New Site 2. We need to discuss and set out future plans and various other discussions regarding the club. I understand not all committee members are ready to mix with other people as yet but with those who happy to then we can include those who can’t via phone or video link. Social distance at site 2 is not a problem as benches are outside or people may wish to stay in their cars and chat. And pull up and sit and join if preferred. Weather is looking good for the next week or so. With that I will ask the secretary to arrange a Friday night ASAP that would suite all who can attend. And any agenda topics to be discussed.

See below for topic headlines only, the full version is available as a PDF with more details of the Chairman and Secretary’s report, and a range of topics for AOB.

Isle of Avalon Amateur Radio Club AGM

Date: 30th April 2021
Time: 19:00 – 20:00
Venue – Site 2, Glastonbury


  1. Welcome/ Apologies
  2. Minutes of the previous AGM You can read the previous Minutes of the Meeting (PDF)
  3. Chairman’s Report
  4. Secretary’s Report
  5. Treasurer’s Report
  6. Election of the new Committee
  7. A.O.B.

Richard G7LEE
Isle of Avalon Amateur Radio Club Secretary