IOAARC Exam training passes

1 minute read

We have been busy over the past few months training up our candidates to get through the Amateur Radio examinations. This Friday night we celebrated the results of their hard work - here are our four exam candidates celebrating their achievement.

Examination passes - L-R. Petra M7PAH, Matt 2E0FNT, Mike 2E0RWW, Callum - M7AJO

Not everyone managed to remember to bring their pass certificate, so we had to substitute items ;) Matt is the Club Chairman, taking things to Intermediate, and Mike is our Treasurer, also taking the step up to Intermediate. We welcome Petra and Callum to the amateur bands and wish all of them much enjoyment on the airwaves.

Thanks to all the people who helped make this happen, Martin G5FM persevered in getting our Club Venue a registered examination centre, so our Club trainees could take the exam here in Glastonbury rather than taking a long drive to an alternative centre.

What are Amateur Radio Examinations?

Because the radio spectrum is a shared resource some knowledge is required to get on the air to avoid interference to other radio spectrum users. Passing the entry-level Foundation exam means being able to use the amateur bands. Two of our candidates took the next step to Intermediate level, where they can use a bit more power and use self-constructed equipment on air. The UK amateur radio exams have three levels - Foundation, Intermediate and Full. Foundation is set at a level where it is reasonably easy to get onto the air, with more privileges coming as you progress through the levels.